Thursday, September 19, 2013

Ideas for Stop Motion

- Mechanical Fish, a fish is found washed ashore dead is picked up by a passerby and repaired with mechanical parts, microchips and such.

- The Cage, a man awakes in a cage and finds himself surrounded by other species from other worlds.

- Two Halves, a man walks along a sidewalk and turns to watch a girl walk away... his torso falls off while his legs continue. The rest of the short is the torso trying to catch up to his legs.

- Box Man, a man has too much on his mind, and finds a quicker solution to relieving himself.

- Experimental Clay, a animation in which I can just experiment with the way that clay moves and reacts to different scenarios, materials.


Blogger Sucks

The Box That Weighed Too Much.

  A character who has lived his life as a Large Box Head, a weight unbearable by most. One day he realizes his weight is not obligatory but rather his choice and becomes a Small Box Head.